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Keep you and your customers' dollars safe with tips on how to stay PCI Compliant, news in the world of brand security, and more
Gap Analysis: What Is It and Why Your Business Needs It
PCI Compliance, Restaurant Security, gap analysis, PCI Compliance, SecurityYou absolutely need to know, for the safety of both your brand and your customers’ data, where flaws might exist in your digital security picture. It’s only by identifying potential weaknesses that you can start correcting the problems...
The Security Dozen: 12 Requirements for PCI Compliance
PCI Compliance, PCI Compliance, SecurityThe PCI Security Standards Council outlines 12 specific thresholds every business that processes credit cards must meet in order to maintain compliance. These dozen metrics are categorized into six different silos. Let’s look more...
Point of Sale Monitoring 101: Get the Scoop on Your Security
PCI Compliance, Restaurant Security, PCI Compliance, POS System, SecurityPoint of Sale Monitoring involves a variety of different tools and tactics aimed at protecting the sanctity of customer data....
Understanding the 4 Levels of PCI Compliance: Where Do You Stand?
PCI Compliance, PCI Compliance, SecurityWe explore the four levels of PCI compliance, as well as what you’ll need to do to satisfy the reporting requirements that pertain to your merchant classification....
What Is An ASV Scan? How It Factors into Brand Security
Uncategorized, ASV Scan, Automated Scanning Vendor, Card Processing, PCI Compliance, SecurityAn ASV scan is the process that makes it possible for your vendor to determine whether or not your organization is privy to security vulnerabilities such as malware attacks and other breaches....
What Does End to End Encryption Mean for Your Business?
Uncategorized, E2EE, E2EE Encryption, Encryption, End to End EncryptionEnd to end encryption means that, from the moment digital data is sent, up to the point where the recipient can access that same digital data, it has a set of security parameters that protect the data from outside analysis or interference....
Cisco Meraki PCI Compliance: Why It’s the Right Security Solution
Uncategorized, Cisco Meraki, PCI Compliance[Cisco Meraki is] a single pane of glass setup that brings all of the data from across your systems and locations into one useful dashboard. Your IT security manager not only visualizes all this data, but they can also interact with it...
What Is PCI Compliance?
Uncategorized, Card Processing, PCI Compliance, PCI DSS, POS System, SecurityPCI compliance. This essential part of the customer experience is taken for granted by far too many businesses. It’s an issue confronting mom-and-pop shops, internet storefronts, and larger companies with multiple locations. Many assu...
PCI Compliance and P2P or E2E Encryption Solutions Risk
Uncategorized, Card Processing, E2EE, P2P Encryption, PCI Compliance, SecurityThere’s a difference between the terms “end-to-end encryption” and “point-to-point encryption” in the world of PCI compliance standards. But what is it? In a point-to-point encryption solution, the solution has been validated to demonstr...